Comptoirs de Misaine

The BSC shop – Shipped by sail products

Molasses rum

Molasses is a product of the cane sugar manufacturing process. This molasses is distilled to produce rum, mainly in English- and Spanish-speaking countries.
The other way of producing rum, by contrast, is to distill pure cane juice, fermented but not processed. This is the “Agricole” rum found mainly in French-speaking areas.
Some swear by one or the other. But the truth is, there are fabulous rums to be had in both ways.

Direct from the producer.

All our products are selected after meeting with farmers and craftsmen at their place of production. Most take part in on-board loading. Between them and you, there’s only Blue Schooner Company.

Short circuits on a global scale.

Taking care of biodiversity.

We choose our suppliers for the the quality, taste and aroma of their products. But also for the care they give to their land, their environment and their community.
Well-grown, well-transported products.


Powered only by the wind.

Products that can only be found on the other side of the world, transported without greenhouse gas emissions.
100% under sail (engine used exclusively for port maneuvers).

Carbon free.