About us

Our commitments

Since 2017 the crew of BSC – Blue Schooner Company have been putting their convictions and experience at the service of a responsible, environmentally-friendly transport, by developing a 100% under sail shipping.

Loading coffee aboard Gallant - BSC sail cargo

BSC’s offer meets the aspirations of individuals and entrepreneurs who are genuinely questioning their consumption.
Far beyond a simple desire for the gradual decarbonization of human activities, our customers question with us the need for ever more and ever further.
In this way, we collectively propose and practice uncompromising consumption: fully aware of and responsible for social and environmental issues from one end of the value chain to the other.

Unloading goods transported by sail
100% under sail

100% under sail

Our propulsion is 100% under sail.
Carbon energies are reserved for port maneuvers.

Vessel durability

Because a ship’s carbon impact lies as much in its construction (grey energy) as in its choice of propulsion, BSC is committed to operating sustainable ships throughout their life cycle.

About us

The crew

Sailors first and foremost, avowed environmentalists, it’s the experience they’ve accumulated in the armament and command in sail shipping that dictates the conduct of operations, and is the hallmark of BSC.

Shipped by sail About us commitments

Jean-François (Jeff) Lebleu

Co-founder and director of BSC, Captain in the Merchant Navy.

Jeff has been sailing since he was a child. He naturally opted for a career as a merchant seaman, during which time he embarked on a variety of ships, from passenger ferries to icebreakers and oceanographic research vessels.

Shipped by sail About us commitments

Guillaume Roche

Co-founder and Chairman of BSC, Captain in the Merchant Navy.

To combine his passion for sailing and the sea with his studies, he enrolled in the Merchant Navy’s Captain and Chief Engineer course.
During his career, he sailed on cargo ships, oil tankers, gas carriers, passenger ferries, liners and, above all, the L’Astrolabe icebreaker in Antarctica.

Shipped by sail About us commitments

Antonin Masset

Development manager,
Master 200 GT.

A developer of atypical projects (social and solidarity economy, environment) but also a professional sailor, Antonin combines these skills to serve BSC.

About us

Sailing crew

Captains, first mates, deckhands – these are the men and women who, through their expertise and commitment, bring the products thanks to the wind.
Want to apply?

Crewman aboard the cargo sailing ship Gallant

Contact us

Whether you’re a loader, a distributor, or a store customer, if you’d like to talk to us, please click here:

Head office

80 Ty Korn,
29870 Landéda – France



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